香港のTOYメーカーの社長が金太郎の童話を知らないので、この熊だけ商品化したいということでKNUCKLE BEARが爆誕することとなる。TOUMAのターニングポイントとなる作品。
August 2002 Photo Shoot
The Original Model of KNUCKLE BEAR
Kintaro and the Bear of Ashigara Mountain
Kintaro is a Japanese folk tale about a small boy who throws a large bear in a sumo wrestling match.
Thinking it was impossible for a boy to throw a bear, I created a sculpture of an enraged bear grabbing Kintaro and pinning him down.
The president of a Hong Kong toy manufacturer, who was unaware of the Kintaro folk tale, decided to commercialize just the bear. Thus, KNUCKLE BEAR was born.
This work became a turning point for TOUMA.
The president of a TOY manufacturer in Hong Kong, who did not know the fairy tale of Kintaro, wanted to commercialize only this bear, and thus the KNUCKLE BEAR was born.
This work became a turning point for TOUMA.