荷物 アメリカへ

Qpop Shop!

Dear American fans,

After coordinating with QPOP SHOP in LA, we are pleased to announce that we will continue to sell TOUMART soft vinyl after we sold it last year.

Yesterday, we sent a package to QPOP SHOP, although it is quite a small quantity.

It will probably arrive by the end of the week, so if you want one, please contact QPOP SHOP in advance to reserve one!

We know this is a very small quantity, but if we can sell out quickly, we will be able to get new colors in stock on a regular basis, so please give us your support!


LAのQPOP SHOPさんとの調整の結果、去年販売した後のTOUMARTのソフビを引き続き販売して頂けることになりました。

昨日、かなり少量ですが、QPOP SHOPに荷物を送りました。

多分週明けくらいには到着すると思いますので、欲しい方は前もってQPOP SHOPに予約したいと問い合わせお願い致します!


Author: toumart.biz